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Empowering Leaders to Drive Transformation:
Our Story.

"Through SPARKS, we aspire to ignite global change by empowering individuals and organizations to adapt, connect, learn, and lead with purpose."

Joseph Soares, President

At the Global Executive Leadership Institute (GELI), we are dedicated to helping leaders unlock their true potential and become more effective, impactful, and purpose-driven. Through our SPARKS-based approach, we empower leaders to identify and leverage their unique strengths, adopt an adaptive mindset, build relationships, create, and share knowledge, and reflect on their self-awareness. Join us on this journey of unlocking leadership potential, embracing the SPARKS framework, and making a lasting impact in the global business landscape.

Use GELI's SPARKS-based approach to improve leadership.

Leaders today are facing unprecedented challenges. In the face of a rapidly changing business landscape, leaders need to be agile, adaptive, and purpose-driven to stay ahead of the competition. To help leaders meet these challenges, GELI has developed a comprehensive framework to ignite the potential within them. At the heart of this framework is a SPARKS-based approach that recognizes and harnesses the unique strengths of everyone.

At GELI, we believe in a set of core principles that guide our approach to executive leadership development. Our commitment to excellence, authenticity, continuous learning, collaboration, global mindset, social impact, innovation, ethical leadership, personal growth, and making a measurable impact shapes everything we do. With the SPARKS framework at the heart of our programs, we empower leaders to unlock their true potential and become more effective, impactful, and purpose-driven. Here, we take a closer look at the various components of the SPARKS framework and how they contribute to strengthening leadership:

  1. Strengths-Based Approach: GELI adopts a strengths-based approach to leadership development, recognizing and leveraging the unique strengths of everyone. By helping leaders identify and cultivate their strengths, GELI enables them to become more effective and impactful leaders.
  2. Purpose-Driven Leadership: GELI emphasizes the importance of purpose-driven leadership. It encourages leaders to align their actions with their personal and organizational purpose, enabling them to lead with a sense of meaning and inspire others to contribute to a greater cause.
  3. Adaptive Mindset: GELI instills an adaptive mindset in leaders, equipping them with the skills and mindset to navigate complexity, ambiguity, and change. It encourages leaders to be flexible, open to new perspectives, and willing to embrace innovation and adapt their leadership approach as needed.
  4. Relationship Building: GELI recognizes the significance of building strong relationships as a fundamental aspect of effective leadership. It emphasizes the importance of cultivating authentic connections, fostering trust, and developing collaborative partnerships to drive collective success.
  5. Knowledge Creation and Sharing: GELI promotes a culture of knowledge creation and sharing among leaders. It encourages participants to actively engage in continuous learning, share their expertise, and contribute to the collective wisdom of the GELI community.
  6. Self-Awareness and Reflection: GELI places a strong emphasis on self-awareness and reflection as essential components of leadership development. It provides opportunities for leaders to engage in self-reflection, gain deeper insights into their strengths and areas for growth, and cultivate a heightened awareness of their impact as leaders.

These are the essential elements of the SPARKS framework, and by embracing it, leaders can become more effective in their roles and contribute to a meaningful impact in the global business landscape. Through our strengths-based approach, we help leaders become more authentic, purpose-driven, adaptive, relationship-oriented, knowledgeable, and self-aware.

At GELI, we are dedicated to helping leaders unlock their true potential and become more effective, impactful, and purpose-driven. Our strengths-based approach is the foundation of our programs, and by leveraging the unique strengths of everyone, we enable leaders to become more effective and impactful. Through our purpose-driven leadership, we help leaders align their actions with their personal and organizational purpose, inspiring others to contribute to a greater cause. Our adaptive mindset helps leaders navigate complexity, ambiguity, and change, allowing them to stay ahead of the competition. We also emphasize the importance of relationship building, knowledge creation, and sharing, and self-awareness and reflection.

We are committed to empowering leaders through these principles and the transformative experiences we offer. Join us on this journey of unlocking leadership potential, embracing the SPARKS framework, and making a lasting impact in the global business landscape.

At GELI, our primary objectives are clear: to empower, transform, and inspire leaders worldwide. We believe in a set of core principles that guide our approach to executive leadership development. Our commitment to excellence, authenticity, continuous learning, collaboration, global mindset, social impact, innovation, ethical leadership, personal growth, and making a measurable impact shapes everything we do.

With the SPARKS framework at the heart of our programs, we ignite the potential within leaders. It starts with a Strengths-Based Approach, recognizing and harnessing the unique strengths of everyone. We drive Purpose-Driven Leadership, helping leaders align their actions with their personal and organizational purpose, driving meaningful change. An Adaptive Mindset is fostered, enabling leaders to navigate complexity, embrace innovation, and thrive in an ever-changing world.

Relationship Building is paramount, as we believe strong connections and collaboration are key to effective leadership. Knowledge Creation and Sharing is facilitated, fostering a culture of continuous learning and the exchange of insights among leaders. Self-Awareness and Reflection are encouraged, enabling leaders to gain deeper insights into their strengths and areas for growth, enhancing their personal and professional development.

At GELI, we are dedicated to empowering leaders through these principles and the transformative experiences we offer. Join us on this journey of unlocking leadership potential, embracing the SPARKS framework, and making a lasting impact in the global business landscape.

The SPARKS Framework

Strengths-Based Approach: GELI adopts a strengths-based approach to leadership development, recognizing and leveraging the unique strengths of each individual. By helping leaders identify and cultivate their strengths, GELI enables them to become more effective and impactful leaders.

Purpose-Driven Leadership: GELI emphasizes the importance of purpose-driven leadership. It encourages leaders to align their actions with their personal and organizational purpose, enabling them to lead with a sense of meaning and inspire others to contribute to a greater cause.

Adaptive Mindset: GELI instills an adaptive mindset in leaders, equipping them with the skills and mindset to navigate complexity, ambiguity, and change. It encourages leaders to be flexible, open to new perspectives, and willing to embrace innovation and adapt their leadership approach as needed.

Relationship Building: GELI recognizes the significance of building strong relationships as a fundamental aspect of effective leadership. It emphasizes the importance of cultivating authentic connections, fostering trust, and developing collaborative partnerships to drive collective success.

Knowledge Creation and Sharing: GELI promotes a culture of knowledge creation and sharing among leaders. It encourages participants to actively engage in continuous learning, share their expertise, and contribute to the collective wisdom of the GELI community.

Self-Awareness and Reflection: GELI places a strong emphasis on self-awareness and reflection as essential components of leadership development. It provides opportunities for leaders to engage in self-reflection, gain deeper insights into their strengths and areas for growth, and cultivate a heightened awareness of their impact as leaders.


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